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Some Good Magazines, Books, and Videos


We are often asked about a good beginners book or video to use to train a new E'Pagneul Breton.  Of course, there are many good ones, but not specifically for the Breton.  If one wanted to, they could have a large library of these subjects and two items alone.


There are three good periodicals (magazines) that also list many books and videos. 


Bird Dog and Retriever News

563 17th Ave NW

St. Paul, MN  55112

Phone/Fax:  651-636-8045


Gundog Magazine

P.O. Box 8476

Des Moines, Iowa 50301

Phone:  515-255-4606

Fax:  515-255-4680

For Books and Videos:

Phone:  1-800-767-4868


Field Trial Magazine

Box 98

Milan, NH  03588

Phone:  800-615-8392


Pointing Dog Journal

2779 Aero Park Drive

P.O. Box 509

Traverse City, MI  49686

Phone:  231-946-3712

Fax:  231-946-9588


All magazines listed above have training books and videos listed for sale.  Calling the numbers listed is a good way to start locating lists, items and checking prices.


Some good books for beginners:


Gun Dog.  By Richard Walters


About Training Pointing Dogs.  By Paul Long


The Best Way To Train Your Dog.  By Bill Tarrant


Wing & Shot.  By Robert Wehle.


Song good videos for beginners:


Richard Walters Gun Dog.  By Charles Jurney


The Perfect Start.  By Perfection Kennels (Order Direct)

                                   Box 17

                                   Kidder, MD 64649

                                   Ph:  816-575-2521


Yard & Field Training (Video1).   By Delmar Smith Kennels (Order Direct)

Yard & Field Training (Video 2).        3509 East Memorial Road

                                                                  Edmond, OK  73013

                                                                  Ph:  405-478-1171


Gun Dog Training Pointing Dogs.  By Bob West


R.L. & Pat Dalrymple

Rolling Red Prairie Kennel

2640 Springdale Road

Ardmore, OK  73401-9106

Home Phone & Fax:  580-223-8782  E-Mail:

Farm Phone & Fax:  580-661-3997  Cell:  580-670-0043
